
日期:2024-08-28 11:25:48 来源:星昀艺术

资讯 >展讯|和鸣——中法建交六十周年艺术交流展











At this milestone moment of the 60th anniversary of China-France friendship, "Résonance " is a deep dialogue across time and space, culture and spirit, and a visual and cultural feast of Eastern and Western aesthetic integration.

Art represents the effusion of the human spirit, the conduit of cultural legacy, and the nexus of spiritual affinity. This exhibition has the privilege of assembling distinguished artists from China and France, who, through their individual artistic vernaculars and creative methodologies, manifest profound contemplations and boundless affection for the cosmos, existence, and the human condition. 

Marie RAUZY, a direct progeny of the illustrious French artist Paul Cézanne, inherits the familial artistic lineage and forges her own distinctive creative trajectory. Her oeuvre is imbued with satire and naiveté, where the elementary lines and hues encapsulate profound insights into life. 

Chen Ben, embodying a spirit of relentless self-transcendence, transcends the confines of a singular style and boldly innovates and transforms. He skillfully merges Western color theories with the quintessence of traditional Chinese art to produce oil paintings that evoke the artistic ambiance of ink wash paintings. 

Jean Michel's compositions synthesize elements of expressionism and impressionism. His abstract and dynamic compositions, along with a rich and lively palette, exhibit a impeccable equilibrium. His paintings not only capture ephemeral inspiration but also convey enduring emotions. 

Yang Xuejun has been delving into the synthesis of Eastern and Western art forms. He reinterprets the "Chinese style" in a contemporary idiom, amalgamating Eastern freehand brushwork with Western three-dimensional composition to create sculptural works that embody both Eastern elegance and Western fashionable elements. 

The four artists adeptly synthesize the quintessence of Eastern and Western art, and through the dialogue and integration of artistic expressions, they play the symphony of art with their unique painting languages, allowing the audience to experience the allure and potency engendered by cultural exchanges through artistic creations. 

The artists' veneration of life, contemplation of humanity, and aspirations for the future. The art of China and France converges, blends, and resonates here, akin to disparate voices in a symphony, collaboratively performing a harmonious and beautiful movement. 

 "Résonance " serves as a homage to the amicable exchanges between China and France over the past six decades, and also as a vision for further cooperation and exchanges in the future. Let us attentively heed the voices of each artist, perceive their fervor and dreams, and allow the harmony of art to resonate within our hearts for an extended period, guiding us towards a more luminous future.




玛丽·罗兹 Marie RAUZY




Marie RAUZY, famous artist and educator.

She is known as the "father of modern art painting" Paul Cézanne's great-granddaughter, the only artistic heir of the Cézanne family. Marie RAUZY is a direct descendant of the famous 19th century French painter Cézanne. Born in Marseille, France in 1961. She graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris and now teaches at the Ecole Municipale de Paris.

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陈本 Ben CHEN


Ben Chen was born in Guangzhou in 1959, the director of Guangdong Artists Association and the executive director of Guangzhou Artists Association. He is now the deputy director of the Oil Painting Art Committee of Guangzhou Artists Association. Chen Ben has held many solo exhibitions and participated in important art activities in China and abroad, and his works have been collected by the Presidential Palace of the French Republic, the City Hall of the City of Toronto, the Sofitel Hotel in Guangzhou,Whampoa Military Academy,Moroccan National Art Association,Laurent Monet Creative Exhibition Center in France and many other organizations as well as many private collectors. 

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杨学军 Yang Xuejun


Yang Xuejun, born in 1961, is currently a professor in the Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, the deputy secretary-general of the Sculpture Art Committee of Guangdong Artists Association, a member of the China Arts and Crafts Society, a member of the China Sculpture Institute, a member of the World Artists Association, a researcher of the World Culture and Art Research Center, a member of the World Outstanding Chinese Association, and a member of the International Sculpture Center (ISC) of the United States. 

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让·米歇尔 Jean Michel Stanislas GARCZYNSKI


Born in Paris in 1957, Jean Michel Stanislas GARCZYNSKI is a French expressionist artist, painter, sculptor, designer and photographer, he is a member of the Maison Des Artiste, president of Expressionnist Art Academy and Art consultant of CHIA (China Horse Industry Association) .

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