陈墙“地平线” 即将开幕

日期:2019-06-21 17:44:25 来源:今格空间

展览 >陈墙“地平线” 即将开幕







今格空间与陈墙首次个展合作 “地平线”正是 “感知”新意的提炼、升华。他用一条横线横跨画面中部,将画面一分为二,意在打破画面的完整性。但视觉的惯性力又会迅速将那条横线变为地平线,让刚刚形成的分裂状态瞬间消失,画面又被地平线统一在了天空与地面之中。艺术家试图突破与建立一个自由的感知系统。

陈墙1960年出生于中国湖南,1989年毕业于上海华东师范大学艺术系,目前生活、工作于上海。他曾在阿拉里奥画廊(“陈墙:想法不重要”,2018年,上海,中国)、艾德维克美术馆(“陈墙 – 感知“,2018年,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典)、帕斯库艺术空间(“余光 - 陈墙抽象作品展”,2017年,瑪萨袅,瑞士)、InselHombroich艺术基金会(“相距2米2”,2011年,诺伊斯,德国)、上海美术馆(“陈墙抽象绘画展”,1995年,上海,中国)、等机构举办个展;亦曾在上海当代艺术博物馆(“时空书写:抽象艺术在中国”, 2015年,上海,中国)、蜂巢当代艺术中心(“秩序的边界”,2015年,北京 )、北京东京艺术工程(“念珠与笔触”,2003年 , 北京)等机构参加过群展。 




100 x 80cm


Gingko Space is to announce artist Chen Qiang’s solo exhibition, "Horizon" on June 22, 2019. For this first solo exhibition in Beijing, the artist will present two series of paintings completed from 2018 to 2019, and the exhibition will continue to August 3th, 2019. 

Since the 1990s, Chen Qiang has been engaged in exploring abstract painting. His artistic career can be generally divided into four periods: his line drawings on paper and canvas in the 1990s, during which the artist searched for notions of pure "looking" to emphasize on "perception" through "looking" without reading. In the following period, from 2007 to 2013, his painting focused on "perception". By abandoning decorative forms, brushwork, and palette, Chen afforded freedom to the paint, so his imageries would become more genuine and further emancipates "cognition" from "perception" in traditional painting. Works from this period are marked by the natural accumulation of paint to stimulate visual experiences, from which, the artist aimed to achieve heightened alertness in visual “perception”. Since 2013, Chen Qiang further explores new meanings of "perception". For example, since one's "perceptive" angle in looking at art is either East or West, the artist tries to challenge and generate a free system of perception from the indoctrinated models of the East and West.   

Gingko Space’s first collaboration with artist Chen Qiang in his solo exhibition, “Horizon” aims to explore the extractions and sublimation on the new meanings of "perception". Chen paints a horizontal across the middle of each painting that divides the image in two, with the aim to undermine its entirety. Our visual conventions would quickly conceive this line as a horizon, so such division would disappear immediately, and the imagery would then come together as sky and earth from this horizon. The artist aims to challenge and generate a free system of perception. 

1960 Born in Hunan, China.1989 Graduated from Fine Arts Department, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.Currently working and living in Shanghai, China. 2018 CHEN Qiang: Not only the Idea, Arario Gallery, Shanghai.2018 CHEN QIANG – INRE PERCEPTION, Edsvik Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden.2017 AFTERGLOW - OPERE ASTRATTE DI CHEN QIANG, Pasquee, Massagno, Switzerland.2011 A Distance of 2.2 Meters, Insel Hombroich Foundation, Neuss, Germany.1995 Chen Qiang’s Abstract Paintings, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China.2015 CALLIGRAPHIC TIME AND SPACE: Abstract art in China, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China.2015 THE BOUNDARIES OF ORDER, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China.2003 Prayer Beads & Brushwork Strokes, Beijing Tokyo Art Engineering, Beijing, China.




144 x 186cm



Founded in 2014 Beijing, as an art gallery whose vision focuses on the ecosystem of Asia contemporary art, Ginkgo Space's mission is to provide active support to artists’ processes of developing and gaining greater perspectives on their artistic practices. With our collaboration, we hope to build the artist’s reputation and widen their international recognition. Our exhibition program is aimed at exploring and discovering the artistic practices that define our cultural identity, through which we are committed to setting up platforms for profound dialogues between the artists, critics, curators, and audiences of contemporary art.

编辑: 唐晓星
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