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《结束朝鲜战争的美国总统》艾森豪威尔威尔威尔(David Eisenhower)亲笔家信及签名照各一件

《结束朝鲜战争的美国总统》艾森豪威尔威尔威尔(David Eisenhower)亲笔家信及签名照各一件
声 明:
德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔威尔威尔(DwightDavidEisenhower,1890年10月14日-1969年3月28日),美国第34任总统,陆军五星上将。他曾获得很多个第一。他是晋升得“第一快”;他出身“第一穷”;他是美军统率最大战役行动的第一人;他是第一个担任北大西洋公约组织盟军最高统帅;他是美军退役高级将领担任哥伦比亚大学校长的第一人;他是美国惟一的一个当上总统的五星上将。(1).美国艾森豪威尔威尔总统的亲笔签名照。(2).美国艾森豪威尔威尔总统在1952年12月为结束朝鲜战争,前往韩国战场,于12月5日在战场写给夫人的家书,内文长达5页并渉及战争情境的重要且珍贵的历史信札。简单的说,此信于1952年12月5日,也就是艾森豪威尔威尔就任总统前一个多月,在韩国写给其妻子玛米(Mamie)的亲笔信札,而这一年的11月他才刚击败杜鲁门总统当上美国总统。由于后者将美国置身于韩战中而陷入僵局,因此艾森豪威尔威尔威尔在竞选总统时,便提出他将会把美国军队撤出朝鲜,并结束战争。这封信就是艾森豪威尔威尔威尔为兑现他的诺言,而在12月初抵达韩国首尔视察战争情况。这件珍贵的历史信札,艾森豪威尔威尔提到在朝鲜战争期间,军方如何严谨安全的保护他,以及儿子约翰(John)抵达首尔和他同住,两人经过讨论,约翰计画二月底调动到日本…等诸多讯息,共五页,带有原始信封,另附上打字版英文。信中第一页说到”今晚我们会离开韩国,开始回家的长途跋涉。妳知道我们将巡航一星期,所以回程旅途将是缓慢的。若顺利,我期望到家在12月14日中午或晚一些。这里停留有其相当压力,主要因为当地军方是这么明显又严肃地以安全角度担忧,然而韩国官员却热烈举办盛大户外典礼伴随着众多人群。…”,信里后面艾森豪威尔威尔告诉玛米,当晚他离开时间会是她在纽约星期五早上六点,而在她晚上的时候,应该可从报纸看到关于他们的行程,或许还会有他和约翰的照片。附信封,上有艾森豪威尔威尔威尔本人亲笔手写的纽约地址,保存完好。原文:My darling ,Tonight we leave Korea to start the homeward trek. As you know,we will be on a cruise for a week – so the trip back will be a slow one. I expect to be home,the Lord willing,on Dec. 14,at noon - or a little after. The stay here has had its strain,largely because the local military authorities are so obviously and seriously concerned as to the safety angle - while Korean officials have turned on the heat to stage a great out-door,ceremonial,mob scene.,During the day (it is now 6:30 a.m.) Johnny will write you a letter - but he will not tell you,I’m sure,much about himself - so that’s what I’ll try to do.,He got down here to Seoul by jeep plane the morning after I arrived. We’ve been living together since - and all the locals are very considerate of our opportunities to be by ourselves.,He looks fine - and by all the indices that I can apply - he is fine! His K.O. thinks the world of him (gives him special delicate jobs,etc.) while the top seniors who have of course observed him closely,rate him as an A-1 officer. All the troops are well equipped for this bitter land and zero weather;food is good and all in all,the individual is as well taken care of as could possibly be expected in the prevailing war conditions. Johnny and I have talked over the various possibilities open to him in the ensuing months. His no. 1 priority choice is to stay with the Div. provided it appears likely that he will be assigned to a full ‘G’ position and so promoted to Lt. Col. He feels that such a promotion –earned in Korea would be of the greatest significance throughout his career! While he seems to feel that there is a faint chance of this – he’s only mildly hopeful. His next plan is as follow – (and we both think the most likely to be followed),(a)- He will ask for transfer to Japan at end of February. (b)- He will ask for quarters (govt) but these will not be available for about another 6 mos. Rather than wait for this he will rent a home at once. (I told him we’d help,if necessary,because Japanese rents are high). (c)- Then,he’d stay in Japan as long as he,Barbie & children really liked it – transportation is available to bring families over at any time and if you rent a home of your own you don’t have to wait. Of course,many things could change all this. A stepping up of the war – etc,etc. But we talked things over as they look now!,He really needs nothing. At first he looked in consternation at all the things I bought him (wondering how in the world he’d ever get them back to his C.P) The General has said he’ll send a small trunk up – so all is well!,Now,my love,I must go get breakfast and start a round of conferences. We’ve had two days jumping (by jeep plane) around the fort! All of today will be given over to conferences. Tonight I’ll leave,which will be Friday morning about 6:00 a.m. your time. We are exactly 14 hours ahead of you! By Friday evening you’ll see stories in the newspaper about our trips,with possibly pictures of Johnny & me. I love you and miss you. I pray you are in good health – and do not get too tired with the packing…



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