18/19th 斗彩团花纹花口瓶
- 拍品名称:
- 18/19th 斗彩团花纹花口瓶
- 图录号:
- 284
- 年代:
- 18/19th
- 艺术家:
- --
- 材质:
- 作品分类:
- 尺寸:
- 高42.8cm
- 估价:
- 开通VIP查看价格
- 成交价:
- RMB:开通VIP查看价格
- 拍卖公司:
- 伦敦佳士得
- 拍卖会名称:
- LD佳士得 2009秋季拍卖会(一)
- 专场名称:
- 中国瓷器工艺品 成交额:6,369.89 万元 成交率:66.77%
- 拍卖时间:
- 2009年11月9日
- 备注:
- 声 明:
- A RARE DOUCAI VASE 18TH/19TH CENTURY Sturdily potted with an ovoid body and standing on a slightly splayed foot,the cylindrical neck joined to the body with a stepped junction,and tapering towards the wide,turned-down mouth rim,the rim shaped into nine lappets each painted with a ruyi-shaped panel enclosing flower heads,the body painted with four elaborate lotus medallions below bats,flanked by further scrolling lotus sprays between a band of overlapping ruyi lappets at the foot,the neck with a band of stylised floral scroll between flame-filled lappets and stiff leaves 16 7/8in.(42.8cm)high.
19th 水晶鼻烟壶
19th 翡翠玉米芯形鼻烟壶
17th 玉水牛狗两件
明 白玉螭龙 灰黑玉水牛 青黑玉水牛
18th 白玉骆驼钮章
宋及更早 玉雕龙洗
18th 青玉罗汉图山子
17th 玉螭龙耳杯
清乾隆 青玉琴形盖盒及青玉珮
19th晚期/20th早期 白玉饕餮纹盖瓶
19th晚期 翡翠雕白菜
18/19th 白玉雕象摆件
清乾隆及更晚 广州画琺瑯西洋人物图鼻烟壶
17th 白灰玉虎牙珮
17/18th 玉雕螭龙树干形笔洗
16/17th 黑漆八吉祥纹盘
明万历 戗金填漆龙凤纹八方盖盒
14/15th 黑漆嵌螺钿仙人图长方盘
1682年 硬木雕刻赤壁圆笔筒
18th 剔红雕神仙鹤圆桃形盖盒
清乾隆/嘉庆 剔红雕九龙纹盖盒
清乾隆 剔彩云龙纹碗
清乾隆 剔红柜
清乾隆 琺瑯彩绘花鸟图鼻烟壶
17/18th 黑漆嵌螺钿挂屏
18th晚/19th早 竹根雕刘海戏金蟾摆件
清晚期 黑漆琺瑯鸳鸯图挂屏 (一对)
清晚期 黑漆嵌琺瑯鹤图挂屏
清光绪 剔红寿字挂屏
18th 丝绣绸花卉立轴